Change the default OU’s in AD for new Users and Computers

By default, when new users & computers are created in active directory where the OU hasn’t been specified at creation, AD defaults to the following OU’s:

  • Users go into: DC=domain,DC=tld\Users
  • Computers go into: DC=domain,DC=tld\Computers

These can be changed to go into OU’s that you choose by issuing the following commands in an elevated PowerShell session / command prompt and change directory to:

cd C:\Windows\System32\


redirusr “OU=<newuserou>,DC=<domainname>,DC=com”


redircmp “OU=<newcomputerou>,DC=<domainname>,DC=com”

Hint: Obtain the OU distinguish name from the advanced properties of the OU itself.

Sophos SG/XG/XGS Hardware Brochure

Attached here is the hardware brochures for the Sophos SG R1, R2, R3, XG, and XGS firewall appliances.

  • Click here for Sophos SG R1 series hardware appliances
  • Click here for Sophos SG R2/R3 series hardware appliances
  • Click here for Sophos XG series hardware appliances
  • Click here for Sophos XGS series hardware appliances

Copyrights apply to the original copyright holders, simply mirrored here for educational / historical / archival purposes.

Restrict High Memory Usage by Information Store on Exchange 2007 / 2010 (also SBS 2008 / 2011)


Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 and Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 (in conjuncion with Active Directory), or Microsoft Small Business Server 2008 / 2011.


Microsoft Exchange Information Store (store.exe) consuming excessive amounts of system memory, often causing the server performance to take a significant hit.


On the domain controller, open ADSI Edit (adsiedit.msc)

Connect to Well Known Name Context: Configuration

Drill into: Configuration > Services > Microsoft Exchange > [domainName] > Administrative Groups > Exchange Administrative Group > Servers > [serverName]

Right click on the server name and right click Information Store, then go to Properties

In the properties window, scroll down to the two attributes:

  • msExchESEParamCacheSizeMax
  • msExchESEParamCacheSizeMin

By default, the values of both are <not set>

We need to set values for both, if you only set values for the Max, then without the Min, the setting will not take place.

For Exchange 2007 (SBS 2008):

  • 1GB – 131072
  • 2Gb – 262144
  • 4Gb – 524288
  • 6Gb – 786432
  • 8Gb – 1048576

For Exchange 2010 (SBS 2011):

  • 1Gb – 32768
  • 4Gb – 131072
  • 6Gb – 196608
  • 8Gb – 262144
  • 12Gb – 393216

Note that Exchange 2007 uses a page size of 8KB and Exchange 2010 uses a page size of 32KB (hence the differing values).

Restart (or schedule restart) the Exchange server once the values have been applied.


Although this solution is documented by Microsoft its not a supported configuration.

Don’t set the Max values too small otherwise your mailbox store may run into other issues and if too small, will cause more disk paging instead.

Raspbian / Debian apt-get update buster InRelease changed its suite from stable to oldstable


Running Debian or Raspbian Buster and issuing the command(s):

apt-get update


sudo apt-get update

Doesn’t appear to go through and provides the following output messages:

Get:1 buster InRelease [15.0 kB]
Get:2 buster InRelease [32.6 kB]
Reading package lists... Done
E: Repository ' buster InRelease' changed its 'Suite' value from 'stable' to 'oldstable'
N: This must be accepted explicitly before updates for this repository can be applied. See apt-secure(8) manpage for details.
E: Repository ' buster InRelease' changed its 'Suite' value from 'testing' to 'oldstable'
N: This must be accepted explicitly before updates for this repository can be applied. See apt-secure(8) manpage for details.



Debian has not too long ago updated the release from Buster to Bullseye, which means that Buster is no longer the ‘In Release’ build of Debian or Raspbian Linux.



You need to let APT change the ‘suite’ values from stable to oldstable by issuing the command(s):

apt-get update --allow-releaseinfo-change


sudo apt-get update --allow-releaseinfo-change



Sophos SG UTM – WAF Setup for UniFi Controller


This post will guide you to setting up the Web Application Firewall to present the UniFi controller to the Internet with a reverse proxy & SSL certificate.



  • A fully qualified domain namd (FQDN) for the UniFi controller (eg: unifi.domain.tld)
  • Public hosted DNS record for the above FQDN pointing to the public IP address terminated at the Sophos SG/UTM
  • A static public IP address terminated at the Sophos SG/UTM
  • SSL Certificate(s) matching the FQDN(s) installed on the Sophos (see Let’s Encrypt if you want to use this feature)
  • Internal UniFi controller you wish to make externally accessible via the WAF


Setup Internal Server:

Login to the SG UTM

Head to Webserver Protection > Web Application Firewall in the side menu

Click on the Real Webservers tab

Click the New Real Webserver… button

  • Enter the name to be the same as the Internal UniFi controller host, add an underscore followed by the port number. Example: UNIFI_8080
  • In the host picker, add the host. If the host item doesn’t actually exist in the Sophos, click the + icon to create a new internal host entry
  • The type options are HTTP and HTTPS. Use HTTP for ports 8080, 8880, and use HTTPS for 8443, 8843, etc.
  • Set the port to match what you entered after the underscore in the Name field
  • Click Save

Repeat for the rest of the entries for the UniFi controller so you have an entry for each of the four required services ports

Now head to the Virtual Webservers tab

Click the New Virtual Webserver… button

  • Enter the name as the public FQDN followed by an underscore and the port number – makes for ease of identification
  • Select the WAN interface the FQDN resolves to via public DNS
  • Set the appropriate type (HTTP, HTTPS, or HTTPS & redirect) – see below for these
  • Set the port to match the port you specified in the name (warning, when you change the above type, the port reset to the default (80 or 443)
  • Enter in the FQDN in the domains list
  • Place a tick next to the appropriate matching Real webserver with the matching port located inthe Real Webservers for path ‘/’ list
  • For the firewall profile, right now we won’t select anything – this can be adjusted at a later stage if / when required.
  • Don’t change the theme
  • Expand out the Advanced section and ensure all three selections items are deselected as these are not used for UniFi controllers.
  • Click save and repeat for each required virtual server.

Note, when adding in virtual webserver with the type set to either HTTPS or HTTPS & redirect, the Certificate dropdown list becomes available – this is where you will select the appropriate SSL certificate with the matching FQDN (or wildcard certificate).


Once they have been added, the virtual servers will look like this:


  • Ports 6789, 8080 and 8880 need to be set to HTTP
  • Ports 8443 and 8843 need to be set to HTTPS

Now we need to enable WebSocket passthrough for the 8443 entry otherwise the controller will contantly complain that WebSockets aren’t working

Click on the Site Path Routing tab

Locate the site path routing entry automatically created for the 8443 entry and click Edit

Expand out the Advanced box and place a tick next to the checkbox item labelled Enable WebSocket passthrough

Ensure all the Real Servers and Virtual Servers are switched on

Next we need to check the Firewall NAT settings

Head over to Network Protection > NAT

Click on the NAT tab

Locate and turn off any NAT rules that may be present for the UniFi controller using the same ports as you configured in the Web Application Firewall (so ensure that these are OFF: 8080, 8443, 6789, 8843, and 8880)

Ensure a NAT rule exists and is enabled for STUN to passthrough to the controller.

Create a New NAT Rule…

  • Rule type: DNAT
  • For traffic from: Any
  • Using service: STUN 3478 (you may need to create this rule, it will be a UDP port)
  • Going to: the same public WAN interface you are using on the WAF for the UniFi controller
  • Change the destination to: the internal UniFi controller host
  • Tick to enable Automatic firewall rule
  • Click save.

Switch on the new NAT rule to activate it.

Finally, we need to create an outbound firewall to allow the internal UniFi controller to access the network beyond the firewall

Head to Network Protection > Firewall

Click New Rule…

  • Create a new Group called UniFi
  • Source: select the internal UniFi host
  • Service: Any
  • Destinations: Any
  • Action: Allow
  • Save
  • Enable the rule to activate it.

Now you should have a working UniFi controller that is publicly accessible (and internally accessible) that is behind the Sophos WAF and you an use the FQDN to access it with a valid SSL certificate.


Some Notes & WIP:

In the above examples, the virtual web server for 8880 is currently disabled and a NAT rule exists for 8880 instead, as this port is used for the UniFi controller’s guest WiFi web portal. I am in the middle of troubleshooting an issue where this wouldn’t work from behind the WAF. I will update this space once I have resolved this.


Kali Linux 2022.1 Installation error: “Installation step failed”

Date: 2022-02-21

Kali Linux versions affected: Kali 2022.1 x64 (may also affect others), both GUI and TUI installer environments


During the installation of Kali, at the software selection installation, the installer proceeds to copy the files, and produces an error – reducing the package selection down to only the top 10, appears to allow installation without error, but then requires all further package installs to be performed OS installation.

Error Produced:


Access a spare console using either CTRL+F2 or CTRL+F3

Please press Enter to activate this console

BusyBox v1.30.1 (Debian 1:1.30.1-4) built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in-commands.

~ # cd /var/log
/var/log # tail -f syslog

Find the target installation using the command:

df -h

Locate your dev device and comfirm the target folder – for me it was /target

Chroot your way into that folder:

chroot /target

Edit the sources file:

nano /etc/apt/sources.list

Comment out the line for the sources pointing to the cdrom

#deb cdrom:[Kali GNU/Linux 2020.3rc2 _Kali-last-snapshot_ - Official amd64 NETINST with firmware 20200728-20:31]/ kali-rolling contrib main non-free

Now add a new sources line to pull down the repositories from the internet:

deb kali-rolling main non-free contrib
deb-src kali-rolling main non-free contrib

Save and close the file, then update:

apt-get update

Once updated successfully, head back to the installer by pressing CTRL+F5 or CTRL+F7

Perform the software selection and install the OS. Note that the installation will now pull all sources from the internet instead of the CD / USB resources.

Useful Links for all things 3D Printing

This post is purely a web directory and notes for things I personally find useful for all things related to 3D printing!

Free models of community submissions for print:

Resources for my first purchased (not custom or self designed) 3D printer:


Some CAD applications:

3D Print host server:

Calibration resources:

Configure Windows NTP Servers in Active Directory Environment Using Group Policy


Setup a fully functional & authorities time service across Active Directory to ensure all AD joined Windows systems are properly time-synced to the domain controller(s) and also to external sources when abroad.

The Primary Domain Controller:

In Active Directory, the PDC Emulator should get the time from an external time source and then all member computers of this domain will get the correct time from the PDC. Since the PDC Emulator can move around, we make sure the GPO is applied only to the current PDC Emulator using a WMI filter.

Go to the WMI Filters section in GPMC and create a new filter like the following:

Here’s the query for you to copy’n’paste:

Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem where DomainRole = 5

Create a GPO called NTP Policy – PDC and apply it to the Domain Controllers OU

Apply the WMI filter you created earlier

Drill down into:

Computer Configuration/Policies/Administrative Templates/System/Windows Time Service/Time Providers

Edit all three policy items in this folder:

Next, we need to allow the NTP requests to hit the domain controller, so drill down into:

Computer Configuration\Policies\Windows Settings\Security Policies\Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security\Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security\Inbound Rules

Right-click on the Inbound Rules tree item and select New Rule…

Choose Port and click Next

Select UDP and specify port 23. Click Next

Select Allow the connection and click Next

Ensure all network profiles are selected and click Next

Give the rule a name, such as NTP-in and click Finish

The final result will look something like this:

Additional Domain Controllers:

Now we need to create another WMI Filter called BDC Emulator and use the following query:

Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem where DomainRole = 4

Create a new GPO in the Domain Controllers OU called NTP Policy – BDC

Link the WMI Filter for BDC Emulator

Now edit this GPO and drill down to:

Computer Configuration/Policies/Administrative Templates/System/Windows Time Service/Time Providers

Double-click Enable Windows NTP Client

Set to Enabled and click OK

Double-click on Configure Windows NTP Client

Set Type to NTP

Set NtpServer to hold the PDC and also a couple of external time providers that match what you specified in the PDC GPO

Click OK and close that policy

Congratulations! You have configured the NTP GPOs for the domain controllers.

Now we need to configure NTP for the rest of the domain members

Configure NTP for Domain Member Systems:

Finally, create a new GPO and link it to the OU where member servers, laptops, and workstations reside

Call it something like NTP Policy – Member Systems

Again, drill down to:

Computer Configuration/Policies/Administrative Templates/System/Windows Time Service/Time Providers

Double-click Enable Windows NTP Client

Set to Enabled and click OK

Double-click on Configure Windows NTP Client

Set Type to NTP

Set NtpServer to hold the PDC and also a couple of external time providers that match what you specified in the PDC GPO

Click OK and close that policy

Congratulations! You should now have successfully configured full AD NTP sync across the network.

Perform a gpupdate on systems to ensure policies are applying, use gpresult to ensure the policies are being read & applied.

In some cases, you may need to restart the Windows Time Service or reboot systems.


NTP GPO details explained

So what all these settings mean.

Configuring Windows NTP Client: Enabled


  • Here you specify which NtpServers to use separated by a space but also with a special NTP flag. I decided to use the public pools:,0x1,0x1,0x1,0x1

The NtpFlags are explained in detail here but 0x1 means: “Instead of following the NTP specification, wait for the interval specified in the SpecialPollInterval entry before attempting to recontact this time source. Setting this flag decreases network usage, but it also decreases accuracy.” where SpecialPollInterval is specified in the GPO (in our, case 3600 seconds)

  • The rest of the settings are explained in the GPO Help.

Enable Windows NTP Client: Enabled

  • Is a must, otherwise the computer will not sync with other NTP serves since it’s disabled by default.

Enable Windows NTP Server: Enabled

  • Is a must, otherwise the computer will not allow other computers to sync with it since it’s disabled by default.

Where is the configuration stored?

First, never edit the registry for NTP. If something is not working, clear the configuration and start from scratch and configure NTP using GPO or W32tm.exe. Do this by running the following commands:

Stop-Service w32time

w32tm /unregister

w32tm /register

Start-Service w32time

Still, you might want to check where the configuration is. When using GPO, the configuration is stored here:


Note that this is different if you’re using w32tm.exe, then the configuration is stored here:


Useful tools when troubleshooting NTP

W32tm is still your friend and here are my favorites:

w32tm.exe /resync /rediscover /nowait

Resynchronize the clock as soon as possible, disregarding all accumulated error statistics. It will not wait for resynchronization and will force redetection of sources.

w32tm /query /peers

Displays all configured peers you have configured

w32tm /query /source

Displays the currently used time source. Note that after a restart of the service, it might show Local CMOS Clock until everything has refreshed properly.

w32tm /query /status

Displays the current status

w32tm /query /configuration

Displays the configuration

w32tm /debug /enable /file:C:\Temp\w32tmdebug.log /size:10485760 /entries:0-300

If you really want to get dirty, enable the debug log


Many things can go wrong when configuring NTP. Here are some suggestions:

  • Don’t forget to allow NTP traffic (udp/123) in your firewall(s) – if you have 3rd party firewalls, check them also
  • Enable the debug log and check that the service actually tries to communicate with the NTP serves. You can lower the SpecialPollInterval to 30 seconds to speed up your troubleshooting.
  • Restart the service and maybe even the server, sometimes this has solved it.
  • Also monitor the event log since the service logs there too.
  • If the domain controller is a Hyper-V VM, disable Time Synchronization on the guest


This attachment is a client script that can be used to force reconfiguration of the local sync setup of workstations and member servers…


Hacking a Sophos SG Appliance to accept a UTM Home License


This document assumes that you have purchased (either new or second hand) a Sophos SG (or XG) hardware appliance and are looking to use the Sophos SG UTM 9, with the LCD front panel remaining functional, all on the free Home license (for home use of course).


You will need:

  • USB DVD Drive (burner if your PC/Mac doesn’t also have a DVD burner installed)
  • Blank DVD disk
  • USB keyboard
  • VGA / HDMI screen (VGA / HDMI depending on the Sophos appliance you have – SG2xx has VGA, SG3xx has HDMI for example)
  • Home license of UTM9 – sign up for an account at
  • ISO file for Sophos hardware appliance – obtain from here (official), or here (unofficial mirror – Australia only)

We’re going to freshly reinstall the UTM OS so you obtain a free 30-day trial license which will allow you to get the appliance up & running…

Burn the ISO to the blank DVD

Connect the USB DVD drive to the Sophos USB port and insert the disk

Power on and boot from the DVD

If your appliance has or will have more than 3.5GB RAM, always install the 64bit kernel when prompted.

When prompted to install all capabilities or only Open Source software, always choose to install all capabilities.

Go through and follow the steps to complete the installation. Once done, it will reboot and you want to make sure it boots from the internal disk – not the DVD.

Post Installation Configuration:

Get to the point where the Sophos has booted from the internal drive with the freshly installed SG UTM OS

Connect your computer to the LAN interface, set a static IP address in the same range as the IP address displayed on the Sophos console screen, but don’t choose the same IP address as the Sophos on your PC.

Open a browser and point it to the https port 4444 of the Sophos IP, so if the IP address of the Sophos is, then in the browser, point to:

Hint, the IP address was also set during the OS installation as seen here:

Set a hostname, organisation name, city, country, admin password and admin email address.

The organisation name, city, country, etc., are used to generate a self-signed certificate and nothing really beyond this.

Hint, a DNS resolved fully qualified host name makes life easier.

Once you’ve done, this the Sophos will log out, generate a new self-signed SSL certificate, and reload the admin page.

Your browser will kick up a small fuss about the SSL not being valid, proceed anyway

Login using admin as the user name and the password you just specified

You have the choice to Continue as a new setup or restore from backup.

Choose to setup as a new appliance (select Continue), as there are a couple of caveats when restoring from backup

Next screen is important, its where you would normally upload to install your license – BUT DON’T – instead, just click next to use a 30 day trial license.

If you try to upload your home license, it will detect that you’re using a hardware appliance & will not let you use it. The reason we freshly installed the OS is to obtain a new 30 day trial license, which otherwise would not have been made available to us.

At the next screen, you can confirm or change the LAN IP of the appliance, and also enable & configure a DHCP server on this interface.

Next it will want you to configure the WAN interface

Then it will ask about the services to enable & configure – leave this as defaults and click Next

Once you get through the basic setup screens, click Finish and you’ll be at the management home screen

Enable SSH and set the loginuser and root passwords:

  • From the left menu, click Management > System Settings
  • From the top, select the Shell Access tab
  • Click the switch to ON to enable shell access
  • Set a password for both the loginuser and root accounts, then click Set Specified Passwords
  • Next, under Allowed Networks, add in the LAN (Network) and click Apply
  • Next, under Authentication, tick Allow password authentication and click Apply
  • Finally, change the SSH port to something else, like 2222, or 2201, or something like this, and click Apply (if the firewall is online or you intend on retaining SSH access) as SSH ports are constantly being scanned.

Edit System Configuration Files:

Either using the connected console (keyboard & display) or SSH from Putty or Terminal, login to the Sophos using the account: loginuser

If you changed the port number above, then use that when connecting in via SSH.

Once logged in, you’re about to do something often frowned upon:

sudo sh

Enter the root password

Now enter the following commands:

rename /etc/asg /etc/asx
mv /etc/asg /etc/asx
vi /etc/asx

Take note of the contents of this file – you’re looking to note down these three lines:


Exit VI.

Now create a new file: /etc/asg

vi /etc/asg

Add in the following (again setting the appliance model & revision appropriately noted down before), in my case:


Save, exit, and reboot the appliance.

Update Appliance License from 30-day Trial to Home Edition:

Now that the above has all been completed, the LCD should still be reflecting current stats (confirm this by monitoring the CPU & RAM usage changes on LCD and comparing them to the management screen in the web UI), we can go ahead and change out the 30-day trial license for the free Home edition license.

Why Sophos locked down the hardware appliances from home license use is a little bizarre and annoying, but the fact that these R1 and R2 appliances are making their way onto the second hand market in giant waves, means that people will snap them up for home use, hit the license restriction, and decide to wipe them & install alternate firewall OSes on them, like pfSense / OPNsense, etc. Really, this is a set back in two ways: 1) Sophos are encouraging eWaste by not permitting home user licenses to re-use old enterprise hardware, and 2) they cause would be home users or enthusiasts to shy away from the Sophos SG/UTM firewall product as they can’t use it on the actual hardware appliance, so they opt for alternatives. /rant

Download your home license file from your account, and upload this into the Sophos in Management > Licensing > Installation

The Home license will activate many useful features for basic and advanced home labs, and will need to be renewed every (I believe) 2-3 years


Something to note, Sophos SG UTM Home License edition has a user device limit of 50 issued IP addresses that are allowed to traverse the firewall. For many home environments with small families, this is probably substantial. There’s also a 10% tolerance on this 50 IP limit, so realistically, 55 devices.

However, larger families, where each family member has at lease 2-3 internet connected devices (say phone, tablet, and laptop), plus a few TVs, game consoles, WiFi access points, etc, you’ll soon run out of IP addresses very quickly. My home is in this larger category, there are currently seven of us living here, multiple “cloud-managed” switches, access points &and  security cameras, two Xbox consoles, three Apple TVs, every person has at least three devices, and we are well over our limit. On top of this, I have a home IT lab with over 20 virtual machines, two physical servers, and additional workstations & laptops (all for lab / test use). I have NEVER had this pose an issue – every device is still able to connect to the internet, despite having well over 100 IPs assigned. I’m not sure why this is the case for me – maybe because there are VLANs in place???

At the end of the day, what Sophos offer out of the box for a free three-year home license is a very generous offering. It would be nice if there was a home-premium style license, where you retained all the same features, but the IP limit was lifted to either 500 or unlimited, and you paid something like US$100 every three years.

What some users out there with Sophos UTM have done to overcome this is to have a second basic router behind the main Sophos – all WiFi devices and family devices would sit behind this second router – leaving only essential systems behind the Sophos. I also initially had my network setup like this, but found it was unnecessary (in my case).

Final note: the free home license also provides high availability (HA) so if you have more than one hardware firewall running UTM9, you can set them up in HA which is really handy for installing firmware updates with zero downtime! Again, something I have working in my home environment.

Tasks to be performed post SSL Certificate renewal on Hybrid Exchange server environments


This guide is for environments where Exchange On-Premise 2013/2016/2019 is configured as a hybrid deployment with Microsoft 365 Exchange Online.


It assumes you have an administrator mailbox account that can login to both Exchange On-Premise as an Exchange Administrator and login to Microsoft Exchange 365 Online as a Global Admin.

You will also require an active, functional mailbox sitting in the mailbox database located in the Exchange On-Premise. This mailbox does not need to have any administrative rights, it doesn’t even have to be in use actively by a user, it just needs to exist for testing purposes.

The Exchange On-Premise needs to be externally accessible on ports: 25, 80, and 443.

Prerequisite Checks:

First, we need to check the health of the AD-Sync deployment. In the Microsoft 365 Admin Center, head to Health > Directory sync status

Check that Directory sync is on & healthy, no errors, and make sure password sync is also working.

Ideally, recent syncs should be less that 40 minutes.

If AD Sync isn’t working properly, address this problem before continuing any further.

Microsoft has recently split off support for Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2, so this version of Windows is less likely to receive any updates. If you’re in this situation, you may need to download Azure AD Connect version More on the Azure AD Connect version history here. Please note, that as of August 2022, all Azure AD Connect versions 1.x.x.x will be retired as they use Microsoft SQL Server 2012 which will no longer be supported.

If you’re in an environment still operating on Windows Server 2012 R2, now is the time to start planning an upgrade – even if that upgrade means deploying a more modern version of Windows Server (2016/2019/2022) as a domain member or secondary domain controller, and configuring Azure AD Sync on this newer server instead.

Certificate Installation on On-Premise Exchange server:

You will need to already have your new certificate file(s) – ideally, you want the full stack certificate file in pfx format.

Login to your Exchange server’s desktop environment as a domain admin, copy the P12 PFX file to somewhere local on the Exchange Server.

Double-click the certificate file to launch the certificate installation wizard

Select Local Machine and click Next

Confirm by clicking Yes if you are prompted with the UAC elevation prompt

On the next screen, just click next

This next step is pretty crucial especially, if later you need to export the certificate for use elsewhere…

Enter in the password for the PFX file.

Ensure that both options are ticked for:

  • Mark this key as exportable
  • Include all extended properties

Now, if the certificate is properly formatted, the Automatic store selection should just work fine here. If not, select the Personal certificate store.

Now we need to check the certificate in the Certificates snap in for the local machine and ensure we give it a meaningful name

Click start, type in mmc.exe – once its listed, press enter (note: if UAC is on, you will be prompted to click Yes again).

Click File > Add/Remove Snap-in…

In the left box, choose Certificates, click the Add button

It will prompt you to select what certificates to manage – select Computer account and click Next

Select Local computer and click Finish

Click OK

Expand out Certificates > Personal > Certificates

Click on the Certificates folder you revealed under Personal

You will be presented with all the certificates

You will see both the expiring / expired certificate and the newly installed certificate. Note, neither of these have a ‘friedly name’ – we’re going to fix this now.

Right-click on the newly installed certificate and click Properties

In the properties window, give the certificate a friendly name – this is very helpful to identify this certificate when there are several with the same SAN. Ideally, I like to use the FQDN_YYYY at the very least which indicates the fully qualified domain name, and underscore, and the year the certificate was installed. Some techs will use the installation date or the expiry date. If you do this, maybe also add in the words installed or expires so the next time this is revisited, the date is more meaningful.

Once you have the name, click OK.

Update Bindings in IIS:

Now the friendly name filed in the certificates list will have the name you entered against that certificate. Go ahead and close the MMC certificates console.

Next we need to launch the IIS interface and expand out all the sites.

First click on the Default Web Site and expand it – this will likely have all the front end facing sites & services.

Now on the right side under the Actions menu, click Bindings…

Any of the bindings in here that are on https need to have the new certificate applied

Double-click and set the new certificate for each one

Once these are done, move onto the Exchange Back End pool

Again, on the right, click to edit the Bindings in the Actions menu

There’s usually only a single binding on https and uses port 444.

Note: This is almost always meant to use the default “Microsoft Exchange” certificate issued by the Exchange server, so don’t change this unless it for some reason already has the expiring signed SSL certificate or is required to have a 3rd party certificate!

Again, edit this binding to use the new certificate

Once the bindings have all been updated, you may need to restart IIS – note this will disconnect any connected clients.

In the tree on the left, click on the server, then on the right under the Actions menu, click Restart – this may take a minute

Update Connectors in Exchange:

Login to the Exchange ECP Web UI with the administrator account.

While you’re at it, open another tab in the same browser and use this other tab to login to the Microsoft 365 Admin Center – using the same account credentials.

In the On-Premise Exchange ECP, head to Servers > Certificates

Double-click the new certificate

Locate the Thumbprint, copy and paste this into a notepad session (you’ll need this shortly)

You will need to select Services and then tick box:

  • SMTP
  • IMAP (optional, but not available for wildcard certificates)
  • POP (optional, but not available for wildcard certificates)
  • IIS

(Note that IMAP and POP are optional, but recommended to choose them if clients are connecting using these protocols)

Click Save

You may receive a Warning prompt about overwriting the existing default SMTP certificate, Choose Yes.


Update Default Send and Receive Connectors in Exchange On-Premise PowerShell:

Launch an Exchange PowerShell for the On-Premise Exchange server

Issue the command:


This will list all of the installed SSL Certificates on the Exchange server

Note, the Thumbprints for each will be listed – confirm your new SSL Certificate’s Thumbprint should be listed there as well.

Let’s place the Thumbprint into the PowerShell session’s environment variables

$cert = Get-ExchangeCertificate -Thumbprint XXXXXX
$tlscertificatename = "<i>$($cert.Issuer)<s>$($cert.Subject)"

(The second line will be used a little further down)

Let’s enable secure SMTP using the new certificate:

Enable-ExchangeCertificate $cert -services SMTP

Note: Due to recent Exchange updates, if you get an error similar to the below running this, change the command to:

 Enable-ExchangeCertificate <thumbprint> -services SMTP

and it should work

Now let’s get the Send Connectors list and update the connector with the new certificate


This will list all the send connectors, locate the connector used to connect with Office 365 – it will look something like:

"Outbound to Office 365"

Let’s set this connector to use the new certificate:

Set-SendConnector "Outbound to Office 365" -TlsCertificateName $tlscertificatename

Repeat for any other send connectors that are in use

Next, we need to do the same for the Receive Connector(s)

Issue the command:


to get the list of all the receive connectors

Identify which connector(s) are using secure protocols for incoming connection (incl. from Office 365). Eg:

<ExchServer>\Default Frontend <ExchServer>
<ExchServer>\Client Frontend <ExchServer>
<ExchServer>\Client Proxy <ExchServer>

Where <ExchServer> is the local host name of the Exchange server.

You may have multiple receive connectors that require updating, so the below will need to apply to these as well.

Set-ReceiveConnector "<ExchServer>\Default Frontend <ExchServer>" -TlsCertificateName $tlscertificatename

Update the Office 365 receove connector as well.

You can now delete the expiring SSL certificate from the Exchange server (via IIS or Certificate manager).

Head back to Exchange ECP > Mail Flow > Send Connectors

Edit the Send Connector used by Office 365 to note down the following settings:

Delivery > mail routing (MX or Smart Host)

Scoping > Address Space

Again, note these settings down as the Hybrid Configuration Wizard will overwrite them and mail break some mail flow.


Re-Validate the Hybrid Configuration:

The below process has been completely re-written as the process has changed extensively. Migrations are no longer performed on the on-premise Exchange server.

From the desktop of the Exchange server launch the Microsoft Office 365 Hybrid Configuration Wizard:

Its likely an update will be offered, so please proceed with the update installation

Once all updated and installed, click Next at the Welcome screen

Wait for the wizard to perform its initial detection task – once done, it should show the correct Exchange server and have Office 365 Worldwide selected. Click Next

Ensure a domain admin account has been auto selected for the on-premise Exchange server.

Click Sign in for the 365 tenant admin account and authenticate as usual

Once signed in for on-prem and 365, it should look like the below – click Next

The wizard will spend some time ‘gathering information’

Sometimes issues do crop up here, usually if the configuration is broken of very old, or if certain parts of Exchange aren’t working properly.

You’ll need to spend some time addressing the concerns raised before you get a successful result on both on-prem and 365:

Its likely that Full Hybrid Configuration will be selected, and Minimal Hybrid is greyed out – this is fine

In the event that Minimal is selected, discuss with the lead tech for this client to clarify this is correct as usually we setup Full Hybrid Configuration.

The next screen will present the domain names present and selected.

If unsure, discuss with the lead tech, but in most cases, all domains will be selected

(some clients have way too many domain names)

At this time, where Hybrid Sync is configured with Class Hybrid Technology we’re still using this, but in the future we’ll likely migrate to Modern Hybrid Technology (likely when pushed by Microsoft to do so)

Click Next

This next screen will usually be smart enough to figure out if the on-premise Exchange server is using CAS/MBX or EDGE connector roles – but be sure to double check – especially with larger Exchange deployments

The next two screens just asks you to confirm which Exchange server to use for hosting Receive Connectors and Send Connectors – 99.99% of the time, same on-premise Exchange server, so click Next for each

After this you will be asked to choose and confirm the correct SSL certificate to be used for communication between Exchange on-prem and Office 365 – ideally, this is the same SSL certificate used on the Exchange for the Send & Receive connectors and Web Front Ends as installed earlier in the guide. Ensure the current SSL has been auto selected and no old / expired signed certificates exist – if they do, you need to stop and fix this up before re-running the Hybrid Configuration Wizard!

The next screen just confirms the public FQDN on the on-premise Exchange server as configured on the connectors – click Next if correct (365 will connect using this)

The wizard is now at the final stage and is ready to update the configuration, so tick Yes to upgrade and click Next

The process should only take up to 5 mins on a relatively standard & healthy environment (running Exchange 2016 or 2019)

At the end of the wizard, you should be presented with a Congratulations screen with the welcoming green tick, click Close.

Now return to Exchange ECP > Mail Flow > Send Connectors

Edit the send connector for Office 365

Using the settings you noted down earlier, adjust the connector back to what you have noted down.

Don’t go away, we’re almost done, but not yet… Now we need to test & confirm its working properly…

Test Hybrid Exchange Configuration

To test we need two things – an on-premise Exchange mailbox and to be logged into the admin as the tenant admin

The on-premise mailbox needs to be fully generated – one that has been logged into and has at least one mail item in its mailbox

In the Admin Center, head to Exchange > Migration

In the upper right corner, click on Endpoints and ensure the on-premise Exchange server is present and looks correct. If not, delete it – we can re-add it during the next steps below…

Click to Add Migration Batch and follow the wizard steps:

Name: Hybrid Test

Path: Migration to Exchange Online

Type: Remote move migration

Select or add the on-premise Exchange server as your endpoint

(note: if needing to re-add, please see the appendix at end of this guide on what that looks like, but it should be pretty straight forward)

Select to Manually add users to migrate and select the test on-prem mailbox from the list when you click in the text entry field

Select the target delivery domain (note: the test account must have this same domain as an alias address in its AD proxyAddresses attribute / as a mail alias)

The final screen here will need to be set to:

Auto start the batch

Manually complete the batch (as we don’t actually intend on completing the batch)

Send email to the admin mailbox or a mailbox you have access to if you need to review the alerts

Click Save

Click Done

Now sit pretty and monitor the migration batch

Once the Syncing status has changed to Synced we know its working. A small mailbox should be done within 15 mins. Once its synced, you can simply stop and delete the batch – job done – close ticket!

If there are errors, you’ll need to troubleshoot and fix – we can’t leave it in a broken state as the Hybrid Exchange is used for creating new user accounts.

This is what a synced batch job looks like:

Synced, 100% not finalized and not failed.

Select, stop, wait until stopped, then delete once at this stage.


Creating a new Exchange Endpoint:

Give the endpoint a meaningful, short name, ending in the year – if its old, likely we’ll see that and need to recreate it anyway.

The account name ideally will be a domain admin account that also has an on-premise mailbox, but the mailbox isn’t mandatory.

Remote MRS proxy server is the public FQDN of the Exchange server, eg:

Don’t skip verification – we need confirmation that 365 can communicate with the on-premise server with the specified account

Once validated, continue on with the batch job creation as per above steps.


If the on-premise Exchange server isn’t being accessed by general users externally, as all mailboxes are in 365, then its best to restrict access to the Exchange on-prem HTTP, HTTPS and SMTP traffic to only IP addresses that require access (such as us, customer website if using SMTP) and to Microsoft 365.

This is the link for the IP addresses / network addresses that Microsoft has published for creating an ACL / whitelist on the customer firewall:

Below is a sample firewall port forward / ACL for SMTP traffic allow list (using IPv4 IP/Networks):